
Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center Schools, along with Strength and Conditioning and Head Football Coach Cody Matthewson are working on updating a memorial at the football field.

Superintendent Josh Rasmussen says that in the August School Board meeting, it was approved to update the memorial at Jarmin Field to include a memorial for a late staff member.

“Currently there is a Jarmin Field Memorial down there. Just looking to update that and add some flags to that memorial, kind of dedicate that to Ron Baire, who was a longtime custodian here at Guthrie Center and really did a lot of things for our community, including a lot of the flags there at the cemetery.”

Matthewson shares that the memorial will remain on the west side of the field inside the track, and will be a raised three tiered flag bed, putting the top of the Jarmin Field Memorial on one side, and the memorial for Ron Baier on the other. He mentions that no school funds will be used for the memorial, and that he and some others are working on raising the $10,000 needed. There is an account at Guthrie County State Bank that donations can be mailed to or dropped off at, under the name of “Ron Baier Memorial. Matthewson adds that questions can be directed to him via phone at 816-642-8817 or email at