
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

According to the County Auditor’s Office, during reports County Attorney Thomas Laehn told the Board that all new technology has been installed in the main courtroom, as well as magistrate court. He has also begun the process to hire a new assistant county attorney. 

Scranton area resident Mike Holden asked the Board to create a strategic plan for capital projects in the county. The Board took no action following the request in open forum. Gary Goodwin presented an estimate of $21,203 to repair the courthouse roof. The work was to start the second week of September.

Then the Board heard from several residents about their concerns of the underground liquid carbon dioxide pipeline through Greene County that is proposed by Summit Carbon Solutions. Cooper area resident Chris Henning reminded the Board of an upcoming informational meeting with Summit for Wednesday at noon at Clover Hall on the Greene County Fairgrounds.

Next, the Board approved Snyder and Associates as the Greene County Inspector for the second proposed phase of the underground pipeline with Summit. Then the Board entered the meeting as the Drainage District Board Trustees.

Drainage Clerk Michelle Fields said the Trustees approved to abate the initial drainage assessment for Drainage District 171. She reported that the funds collected for DD171 in 2023 were entered into another account for DD191, with an assessment rate of 192.6%. After the error was caught, the funds were reassigned to DD171, leaving a negative balance of $997. The Board approved the adjusted assessment rate of 33.2% to make DD171 have a positive $500 balance.