
Students in the Greene County School District are beginning the 2024-25 school year tomorrow and there is an additional announcement as well.

Superintendent Brett Abbotts says all buildings across the district are serving free breakfast to all students for the entire school year. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio their application was awarded through the US Department of Agriculture and the Iowa Department of Education. He notes that there will be a grab and go option, as well as a dining option at all buildings. Students do not need to sign up, just show up to receive a free breakfast. 

Additionally, Abbotts explains that while the district qualifies to provide free lunches during the school year through the Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP) grant, it was not feasible for the district to go that route. He says their current rate allows the district to be reimbursed more money than if they followed the formula with the CEP program. In total, Abbotts states the district would lose about $10,000 per month out of their nutrition program with CEP. 

Abbotts thanks the kitchen teams, students support personnel and the business office staff for working on the application to ensure all students will have at least one free meal everyday of the school year.