
Every year many roads and bridges undergo construction.

Guthrie County Engineer Josh Sebern says that for a rural county like Guthrie County, many larger projects are sent to bid to bring in crews that can handle the size of the job. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that there are a few that the Secondary Roads Department can handle and get taken care of.

“We did one of those earlier this year over South Raccoon, but up closer to Guthrie (Center). That was a repair done. We were able to keep that bridge in service and carry loads safely for the future as well. And we have done some projects ourselves. Our own crews take some bridges out, usually smaller timber structures, and we can get those to fit into a large metal culvert.”

Sebern mentions that when it comes to funding these projects, there are a variety of sources that allow them to do the work. He adds that federal and state backed grants are beneficial, especially for larger projects, but the department also receives funding for this work through local property and gas taxes.