
With the start of school soon, the Perry Chamber of Commerce celebrated with a fitting theme at the Farmer’s Market.

The third Thursday of each month is when the Perry Chamber hosts a special events night at the farmer’s market, and for the month of August, it was the popular “Back to School Night.” Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti refers to the program as the most popular fundraiser for the farmer’s market. She pinpoints that over 30 vendors were in attendance and feels grateful for all the organizations that appeared.

“Just so many different groups. Thankful to everyone that wants to be apart of it, and then that shows up and everyone that comes out to be apart of it too. Fun things like that to really come together as a community. This will be a special back to school time for a lot of people in terms of turning over that new page with the schools and trying to be supportive in that way as well.”

Attendees had an opportunity to purchase new Perry Bluejay and Jayette gear as well as Superintendent Clark Wicks announcing that the school district hired 19 new teachers for the 2024-25 school year. Perry’s Farmer’s Market takes place each Thursday now until September 20th from 4-7pm along downtown 2nd Street.