
Greene County ISU Extension has announced its selection for this year’s Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. 

According to Greene County Extension, Paul Quam is this year’s inductee from Greene County. He was born and raised in Emmetsburg, where he was a 4-H’er, held several officer positions, and was extremely involved in Livestock Judging. Then in adulthood, Quam spent 30 years on the Greene County Fair Board, was its president and treasurer, as well as serving on the State Association of Iowa Fairs. 

Greene County Extension goes on to say that Quam was involved with the sheep project, both at the local and state level, and was instrumental in establishing the Iowa Lamb Producers food stand at the state fair. His other accolades include being the chartering treasurer for the Iowa Sheep Industry Association and serving on a task force with former Governor Terry Branstand with promoting livestock enterprises in Iowa. 

Quam is married with three adult children who were also involved in 4-H and were very successful in sheep at the local and state level. Paul and his wife Sandy are retired and he worked in agriculture finance for 50 years. They also has four grandchildren.

Paul will be formally recognized and inducted into the 2024 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame this Sunday at the state fair. According to the Iowa 4-H Foundation, the ceremony will take place at 1:30pm in the 4-H Exhibit Building.