A local business in Stuart is making progress on repairs, though they aren’t as far along as they had originally hoped.

Sheila and David Stone bought First National Bank after they moved to Stuart, and have been working to open Ruth’s Pie and Wine Bar. They’ve been making many repairs to ensure that the building is safe while preserving the history of the building, which was one of the final banks robbed before infamous criminal couple Bonnie and Clyde were caught by law enforcement.

David shares why they wanted to open a business in the building.

“We thought it was so cool that it was robbed by Bonnie and Clyde, and I guess the idea was we wanted to put a business in where people could actually go in and see some of the history, and see the vault where the people were locked in during the robbery. So we wanted to create a business that just really kind of involved the community. And so Ruthie’s Parlor, I think, was a perfect match for that. Just getting people together, pie, drinks, and just having a good time.”

Sheila shares the most recent hang up that they’ve faced.

“We had exterior work done, and recently we found out that that wasn’t sufficient. So the walls will have to be completely rebuilt, which is an extra cost of $250,000. Before we even get back into inside and finishing that, like, those structures have to be stable.”

Sheila explains that they’ve found some historical documents from when the bank was operating that they will have on display when the business opens. She adds that they are looking at some fundraising events in the future as well to help cover the unexpected costs, and share what they hope to make the business into.