The Stuart City Council met in regular session Monday night.
The Council heard from Public Works Director Jim Henderson, and approved promoting the other employee in the department to fill a vacancy, with the employee to receive a raise to $25.36 an hour, attain a Wastewater 1 certification, and the city will cover the cost for him to receive his Class B Commercial Drivers License. Henderson made the recommendation after searching for a new employee, and not receiving any applications.
The Council then approved a partial payment to McAninch Corporation for $147,179.53, tabled a decision on a project completion date extension for McAninch Corporation on the Wambold Phase 3 Housing project, and approved the final plat map for the Wambold Phase 3 subdivision. They also approved the final pay estimate to Hydro Klean on the 2023 manhole rehabilitation project for $10,003.50 and accepted the project, along with releasing the retainage fee of $9,705.25.
The Council also accepted the public improvement associated with Casey’s General Store, approved a sidewalk waiver request for 103 All Saints Drive, the All Saints housing development maintenance bonds, public improvements associated with Kwik Star and a change order for the 2023 sanitary sewer system for $73,155.25. They also approved a resolution for a loan agreement for the issuance of $239,000 of taxable general obligation insurance funding.
The Council approved a loan agreement for $76,000 to cover the cost of the new police vehicle after a public hearing with no comments, then approved the cigarette permit for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. They also approved the road use report, and tabled a decision on hiring a human resources consultant to search out two more proposals, along with additional information like the cities and entities the companies worked with. This was a 3-2 split vote, with Councilmembers Cory Kirkpatrick and Craig Russel wishing to go with City Administrator Ashraf Ashour’s recommendation of Von Bokern and Associates, as they have worked with the Utilities Department for over twenty years.
The Council then tabled a decision on an ordinance amending a section of City Code pertaining to the zoning supplementary district regulations, then accepted an ordinance amending a section of City Code related to the definition of a local business and the annual license fee for local businesses. Item 13 was split into two motions, with the Council approving a decision on retention of employees to require individuals to not be able to switch between a city position and a utilities position until a year had passed, and a decision on health insurance was tabled.
The Council also approved beginning the condemnation process of 420 North Sherman Street, and tabled a decision on the garbage collection service at the South Summit Apartments to have the manager attend the next meeting.