August 7
Arrest: Taney, Alexis Gabrielle Age/22 of Madrid, IA. Charged with Contempt- Violation No Contact order and three Dallas County Warrants for Failure to Appear on Domestic Assault, and Contempt- Violation No Contact (2 counts)
Report of a Domestic Disturbance in the 1800 blk of 3rd St. Officer observed it was verbal only.
August 8
Cited Sharma,Manjo of West Des Moines for Employee Supplying Alcohol to Person Under Age
Received a fraud complaint from the 1400 blk of 2nd St. Case under investigation. Loss $646.09.
Report of disorderly conduct in the 1900 blk of 5th St, physical altercation was alleged, no charges filed.
Criminal mischief reported in the 2900 blk of lowa St. Case under investigation.
August 9
Arrest: Sholley, Steven Alan Age/59 Adr/ 1215 Bateman St. Charged with Operating While Intoxicated.
August 10
Arrest: Fesler, Alexandria Ann June Age/ 25 Adr/West Des Moines, IA. Charged Driving Under Suspension. Cited for burning out of season: Fuentes, Carlos Gil Age 41 Adr/ 2218 Mckinley St.
Report of Assault from the 2600 blk lowa St, Case investigated, no charges.
Report of Assault from the 1900 blk of 5th St. Case investigated, no charges.
August 11
Arrest: Hall, Willie Lee Age/58 Adr/ 2109 W 2nd St. Charged with Domestic Abuse- 3rd Subsequent
Accident reported at the 2nd St/North St.
Veh 1/ Chevy Cruze driven by Crystal Moore of 1805 2nd St, Progressive Ins.
Veh 2/ Toyota Rav driven by Katerin Barrios Munoz of 1908 5th St.
Veh 1 was traveling south on 2nd St turning West on North St Striking Veh 2 who was traveling East on North St. Veh 1 had minor damage to front driver side, veh 2 had minor damage to rear of driver side. Crystal Moore was cited for Failure to obey stop sign and yield right of way and registration violation. Total Damage $1000.
Report of Assault made in the 1900 blk of 5th St, case investigated; charges not filed.
Harassment report taken from 800 blk of Summer Meadows Ct, advised reported party if issues continue to continue to report it, unable to make contact with other party.
It should be noted that all suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.