
Photo belongs to Sean Cordy of Perry Chief

Newly announced Perry High School Activities Director Tina Lutterman is embracing the new job before the 2024-2025 school year begins.

Lutterman tells Raccoon Valley Radio that she started coaching softball at the high school in 2009, helping out with the boys cross country team, Perry’s IJAG program and teaching culinary arts as well. She elaborates on the reason she chose to pursue the activities director position.

“I love the organization side of activities and anyone who’s been on my team knows that I try to incorporate a lot of other events. And I feel like my experience coaching and just the fact I feel like my skill set is something that this department needs made me really excited for the opportunity to move into this role.”

Lutterman credits the three activities directors she’s worked alongside of Tom Lipovac, Scott Pierce, and Katelyn Whelchel. She officially began on July 1st, and explains that it’s been a productive month on the job.

“I feel like I’m ready to roll. Our fall (sports) season is ready to roll out. I’ve been learning the scheduling, trying to work within the systems that are having some success and trying to update some areas that weren’t really serving our coaches or our athletes. Some things that were not really smoothly done, but I feel like I’m in a good place and ready to bring kids back in and get started.”

Lutterman is anticipating the addition of new coaches for Perry Schools and the relationship built with the players. First day of school for Perry is Friday, August 23rd.