The Greene County Fair Board received a $15,000 donation from People’s Trust and Savings Bank toward a new project at the fairgrounds.
Fair Board President Joshua Hedges says the money will be used to build a new hog/sheep building. The current 120-foot-by-30-foot buildings are original to when the fairgrounds was first built in the 1930’s.
Organizer Rod Wolf talks about some of the details of what the new 120-foot-by-160-foot building will consist of.
“It’ll be an open building. We’ll have enough room to have the same amount of pens that we have right now. But all these pens will be able to come down, so the only time those pens will be up is for fair or a show. So then after fair, the pens are gone, we have an open building for hopefully different events.”
He points out that the project will cost about $500,000 to complete.
Plans are to demolish the current building and have the new one completed before the county fair next July.
As part of their fundraising, Wolf comments that they are going to auction off corn seed to local farmers on September 9th.
He says you can contact any fair board member about donating to the project.