
The Dallas County Hospital is celebrating its 70th year anniversary in 2024 with more special programs set for the second half of the year.

The hospital, which opened in 1954, is committed to treating residents in the Dallas County area. The organization held a gala in April to commemorate the 70 years of service the hospital continues to provide. Public Relations Marketing Foundation Director Tom Harmsen features two upcoming events in the next couple of months.

“We’ll have our golf outing at the end of September, and we are receiving and open to golf teams right now, and then our last event is our safe and healthy Halloween. It’ll most likely be the Friday before Halloween and we usually run that in conjunction with the (Perry) chamber, so a lot of really exciting things going on right now to try to help support our communities.”

Harmsen illustrates that the goal from the proceeds the hospital was granted with the gala is going towards helping fund the sterilization area expansion in order to accommodate joints in the future. Harmsen notes that people can contact him directly, by emailing tharmsen@dallascohospital.org, to register teams for the golf outing or for common questions.