Photo provided by AC/GC Schools
There will be a new face at Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center (AC/GC) High School for the students when they begin classes for the 2024-25 school year.
Principal Brian Sauser takes the place of Ethan Lensch, and is excited to be stepping into an administrative position. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that it’s a new feeling for him, and that in the past he’s been a teacher and a coach.
“Been a little bit of an adjustment this summer. First time I haven’t been running summer workouts out of high school in a long time. But I was at Ames for the past few years. Before that Grinnell. We took a little stretch, we moved to Oklahoma and Arkansas for a while. And then kind of working backwards Iowa City West, Muscatine. A lot of different stops over the course of my career. I’ve had a chance to meet a lot of different people and experience some great things.”
Sauser shares what he’s been doing to try and prepare himself for the upcoming school year.
“One of the main things I wanted to do is get a lot of information from people who’ve already been here. Just kind of get a good background on the community, the school, staff and that type of thing. So I’ve had a chance to meet and visit with a lot of different staff members throughout the course of the summer, some in person, some online. And it just helped to give me a good background knowledge of everything that’s gone on with the building. I’ve had a chance to meet with district personnel just to familiarize myself with different policies, different courses, the handbooks and all those types of things.”
Sauser mentions that he’s had the opportunity to attend some of the summer workouts with the fall sports teams, and has enjoyed that atmosphere. He adds that once school is in session, he’s not much of an office person, and he’s looking forward to walking around the school and talking with students and faculty alike.