
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday evening in regular session.

The Council approved a resolution for a farm lease agreement between the Airport Commission and the tenant of the farmland around the airport, Adam Ebersole. The new agreement is for two years and at a rate of $275 per acre of crop and $135 per acre for hay. The amount for the 2025 and ‘26 growing seasons is $35,605. 

The Council also approved transferring funds and closing other fund accounts as presented, purchasing a new sander for snow removal of $38,303, which was a budgeted expense; the 2024 seal-coating of the northwestern portion of town to be done by Black Top Services for $33,392 and the 2024 crack sealing of the southwestern portion of town to be done by Danco for $45,000. They also approved two air conditioning units for the golf course clubhouse from Sloan Plumbing, Heating and Cooling for $23,049, which was the lowest bid with the other bid of $30,470 and Council member Chad Sloan abstained from the vote. 

The Council also approved hiring Curt Geisler as a water operator with an hourly rate of $21.90 and would start August 5th, the 17th pay estimate to Shank Constructors of $313,818 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant improvement project, and adopting policies and procedures for council meetings.