
With the start of the new fiscal year for several entities, including public schools, Panorama Superintendent Kasey Huebner has officially been with the district for one year.

Huebner says that he has really enjoyed his first year at Panorama, and been able to work with lots of faculty and staff in the district. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio what it’s been like in this first year.

“It’s been fun to work with our businesses, our community, parents, in this capacity. And what I’ve really learned is people are motivated here. People want the best, and they want that continual improvement. That’s one reason, that’s one thing I felt coming into this job, and that’s one thing that is definitely true. Continual growth is something we’re always striving towards, and yeah, there’s always going to be changes, but our number one priority will be making improvements for the students.”

Huebner mentions that he has also enjoyed settling into the community, and that he and his family have grown to love it. He adds that moving forward in the next year, he’s looking forward to continuing to serve the community and students of Panorama, and continuing to make improvements where necessary to keep a high standard of school life for those who attend the district.