
In the June Panorama School Board meeting, handbooks for the next school year were approved.

Superintendent Kasey Huebner says that 2024-25 handbooks include the middle/high school, elementary, preschool and the Panorama Bullying/Harassment handbook. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that for the most part, the approval of these handbooks was just a formality.

“We just needed to approve them. The big change in the secondary handbook is we needed to change our policy for academic ineligibility to mimic the state’s rule. So the state had changed it where if a student had failed a class, they had to sit out for 30 days, now it is 20 days. So we changed ours to mimic and to mirror the state’s new rule.”

Huebner mentioned that for the elementary handbook, the only change was that for students in second grade or lower that would ride their bike to school, an adult needs to be with them. He adds that the bullying and harassment handbook was just a first reading, but that it is just to bring information to students, parents and staff members on how these issues will be handled.