
The new administration building in Adel was granted a furniture vendor during Tuesday’s Dallas County Board of Supervisors meeting.

Farnsworth Group Representative Kristofer Orth presented to the board that the new administration building received three bids for furniture plans. The organization decided to go with Workspace Inc. in Des Moines for the amount of $645,134.41. The only other item that was approved on the agenda was the second reading for chapter 21 for the Emergency Medical Services Ordinance. 

Bolton & Menk, out of Jefferson, read from eight bidders for drainage district 41. A representative from the organization listed nine bidders to lead for the project, with all but one bidder being qualified for an opportunity, as Nail Excavating out of Bethany, Missouri did not meet the requirements. A decision will be made at next Tuesday’s meeting.

The board also heard a request to use the city of Panora as a site for a thesis project that will be channeled through New York University with the board deciding to reconvene at a later date. The board ended the meeting by entering into a closed session to discuss confidential records. Supervisor Mark Hanson was not present at the meeting.