
United States Senator Chuck Grassley outlines the process of attempting to decrease the prices of prescription drugs.

Senator Grassley tells Raccoon Valley Radio that conversations are happening in Washington D.C. regarding the transparent dealings between the Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) and consumers. He illustrates the PBMs are in charge of deciding rebates, and prices, among other things. Senator Grassley explains the relationship of how the transparent dealings connect to the price.

“It’s kind of an indirect connection, but when they shut the prices and the rebates, and the formularies and they always consider confidential negotiations to a contract, we ought to know what they’re doing to protect the consumers, and we think making it transparent, making all that stuff public will get cheaper drugs in the final analysis.”

Senator Grassley shares that when Democratic Senator Ron Wyden and him brought this issue up a few years ago, there wasn’t any interest, but emphasizes that there are four current bills from four separate committees in the U.S. Congress on board to tackle this issue and hopefully pass it.