
The Perry Chamber of Commerce begins the final big push for the 4th of July Fireworks Drive with an annual event this week.

The chamber is starting the Grocery Bill RoundUp today at Perry’s Fareway where customers can help contribute to the fireworks drive by rounding a purchase up to the nearest dollar. According to Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti, Fareway will be assisting customers at the registers. She explains that HyVee is participating in the event as well, but it will be slightly different.

“HyVee, a little different this year, so not able to do the roundup at the register, but they are still taking donations. So again, that spare change, drop a check in there, whatever you’d like to do to help support the 4th of July fireworks.”

Pasutti details that money is still carried over from last year, but emphasizes that this is the last big event to fundraise money towards the drive. The event starts today and will run until next Monday, May 27th.