The Perry School Board will meet in regular session on Monday with the main item on the agenda to discuss renaming the high school’s gym after the former principal.

The board is looking to approve a court resolution to honor late Principal Dan Marburger, who passed away after the tragic shooting that occurred on January 4th, by renaming the high school gym after him. Other items on the agenda seeking approval include custodial fund administrator appointments, the Sitelogiq professional services agreement and design, juvenile court services contract declarations and execution agreement, and a two year extension to Hiland.

Additional items for approval feature instructional and activity fee schedule for the 2024-2025 school year, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Perry’s IJAG’s middle and high school programs, along with student activities, preschool, elementary, middle, and high school handbooks; plus the middle school teacher handbook. Also, the Perry Community School District Retention Bonus Agreement, an agreement with the Davis County Community School District to provide mental health services, reviewing revisions of board policies as well as personnel with new hires and transfers will be considered for approval. 

The meeting is set to take place Monday at 6pm in the Brady Library at the high school.