
The Stuart Police Department will be holding their second annual bike rodeo this weekend.

Sergeant Katie Guisinger says the event will begin at 10am on Saturday, and take place at the Stuart Public Library. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio why it’s important for children to learn bicycle safety.

“You know, the stop signs are not just for vehicles. That’s, you know, as you teach kids you start with stop, look and listen when they’re in preschool age, and just reminding them that as they get older and move on to bicycles or scooters or skateboards, that it’s still good to follow those rules of let’s stop and make sure the road’s clear. Let’s ride on one side of the road, not in the middle. And also promoting their brains are very fragile and important.”

Guisinger mentions that there will be a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) presentation in the library on the benefits of wearing a helmet, free helmets while supplies last, and the bike safety course. She adds that there will also be a hot dog lunch provided, along with a raffle of four bicycles.