
The Guthrie Center City Council will meet in regular session Monday night.

The Council will consider for approval a tobacco license for Casey’s General Store, liquor licenses for Prime Time Restaurant and Lucky Wife Wine Slushies, and fencing permits for 1003 Grand Street and 2501 State Street. They will also consider for approval a workman’s compensation quote from EMC, hold the second reading of an ordinance regarding Setoff Program Provisions, hold a hearing for the proposed 2024-25 budget and consider for approval a resolution approving the budget.

The Council will also consider for approval the adoption of the budget and certification of City taxes, a resolution setting a public hearing on the proposed sale of City interest in real estate and a survey at 907 Main Street. They will then hear departmental reports from the street department and City Hall.

The meeting will begin at 6:30pm in the Council Chambers in City Hall. Raccoon Valley Radio will have results from the meeting the next day.