
Conversation continues to cycle through possible new organizations occupying the Tyson Foods building once the closure happens in June.

The Tyson Foods Pork Plant in Perry is shutting down its operations at the end of June, and the city is looking for a possible company to use the building going forward. According to Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson, the city wants to keep the building operational following Tyson closing in order for a possible new employer to step in. Peterson reveals that Tyson is working to keep the property in peak condition.

“Everything we’ve been talking with Tyson is that they want to make sure that they keep it in a condition that will be sellable with the appropriate value that they want to get out of it, so they definitely have an interest in keeping some of those maintenance team members on to keep the plant up. And then there’s just some proprietary processes or equipment that they’ll be moving out.”

Peterson explains that interested organizations have reached out to him directly, the owner of Tyson, and the state is assisting in any way possible.