
A Scranton area family farm was recognized with an award from the Iowa Department of Agriculture on Friday.

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig was at the Eason Feedlot near Scranton and presented the seventh-generation Heritage Farm with the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award. Naig said to receive this award, the Eason’s were Beef Quality Assurance certified, they managed their land with conservation practices such as using cover crops, and their long family’s history and it continues to be involved in the community through their church, county fairs, FFA, among others. 

The Easons have capacity for 3,000 head of cattle, along with 1,200 acres dedicated to corn and soybeans. The farm was recognized as a Heritage Farm in 2021, which means the land has stayed within the same family for 150 years. 

Additionally, Naig was also at Iowa Cover Crop in Greene County to present them with the Conservation Leader Award for their business and the kinds of conservation products they provide.