
The Guthrie County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be molding one of their final courses for fair contestants before fair season soon.

Youth Coordinator Rachel Blum says that they will have another Youth for the Quality Care of Animals class this month, and that it may be one of the last ones they have for this year. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio what contestants should do if they haven’t already attended a class.

“If they’re interested in that, then they need to call the office or email me to get registered and get signed up. It is $3 for instructor-led and then it is $12 for doing it on your own, web training. You need to have YQCA completed if you want to show livestock at the County Fair and State Fair as well.”

Blum mentions that the class will be April 18th at the Extension from 5-6pm. She adds that for those that do want to apply, they need to call the Office at 641-747-2276, or email her at