
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday, with Supervisor Mike Dickson absent.

The Board approved a payroll change notice for Clark Sievers as a new hire for the transfer station, and decided to have courthouse photographer John Deacon check in with the sheriff’s office when he visits, as they weren’t able to find a solid verifiable background for him besides his website. They also set a public hearing for April 2nd at 9:05am for a service level reduction on 233rd Lane Section Seven Cass Township.

The Board then separated the salaries of the Supervisors from the other county-elected officials in a resolution for a vote, as Supervisor Brian Johnson didn’t believe that the Board needed a raise, but wanted to vote affirmative for the other elected officials. The raise for county-elected officials was approved, and the raise for the Board was approved 3-1, with Johnson as the lone vote. The resolution as it was originally written was then voted on, and passed unanimously.

The Board heard from County Auditor Dani Fink on the proposed property tax notice statements. Supervisor Maggie Armstrong asked for the discussion to be on the agenda, because the notice statement is something new that has to be sent out, and she wanted to make sure she and the rest of the Board know more about it, in case constituents came to them with any questions.