
With the countywide burn ban now lifted, rural residents in Greene County can once again openly burn.

Greene County Sheriff and Jefferson Fire Chief Jack Williams says for those landowners looking to burn acres to keep this in mind to prevent the controlled burns from getting out of control.

“Basically I would just til or disc around the outside edge so that you have a break. Because once it gets to the ditch it can spread even faster across the roads and into other ditches, and turn onto other switchgrass.”  

Williams points out that if a landowner believes the control burn may be too big for them to monitor themselves, they can contact their local fire department and for a donation, firefighters can be on scene to assist. He adds that if there are controlled burns to contact the law enforcement center and give their name, location and approximate time that the burn is taking place, so that they are aware and can send fire personnel if needed. The non-emergency number to the law enforcement center is 515-386-2136.