The past week has been Sunshine Week, one that some in the government enjoy and others may dread.
US Senator Joni Ernst says that she loves Sunshine week, an annual celebration of the public’s right to know what the government is doing. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that recently though, there have been some shady deals uncovered by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) that are tied to the Biden Administration.
“We have discovered some secret deals that have been dished out by Biden’s deputies that are not being disclosed to taxpayers as required by the law. And what we have found, it amounts to about $40 billion. And the way they’re hiding it is that these deals are being classified as, in quotes, ‘Other Transaction Agreements,’ or what they call OTA’s.”
Ernst says that again, according to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, these transactions should be disclosed to the public on usaspending.gov, but they aren’t being shown there, with the Treasury Department run by Biden’s Administration saying that OTAs are special arrangements that don’t need to be reported. She adds that she is introducing a bill called the My Stop Secret Spending Act, and it would mandate that OTA’s be disclosed, along with any other secret spending schemes, and gives the American people a full look at the government’s spending.