
Image courtesy of IUC

A company that is looking to build an underground pipeline across Iowa that would capture liquid carbon dioxide from ethanol plants, recently announced adding two more entities.

Greene County Environmental and Zoning Administrator Chuck Wenthold at the Greene County Supervisors meeting on Monday said Summit Carbon Solutions has filed a petition to add POET Biorefining and Valero Renewables to its overall underground pipeline project that would take liquid carbon dioxide from several ethanol plants across the Midwest to an underground storage facility in North Dakota.

In the permit petition that was submitted by Summit to the Iowa Utilities Board, the addition of POET and Valero would add another 340 miles of pipeline into 23 Iowa counties. The company has also scheduled informational meetings in those counties, which includes Guthrie and Greene counties. Those meetings are proposed for Guthrie County on April 23rd at 6pm at the Guthrie County Events Center and on April 24th is Greene County at Clover Hall on the fairgrounds at noon.

Wenthold mentioned that connecting POET would mean adding about 27 miles of pipeline into Greene County. He said IUB has ten days from March 4th to respond to the new permit filings by Summit. Wenthold added the original permit that Summit had filed went through the public hearings last fall and is still being considered by the IUB for final approval.