national weather serviceRaccoon Valley Radio went into Severe Weather Action Team coverage two times this afternoon due to the National Weather Service issuing severe thunderstorm warnings in various portions of our listening area.

The first warning was issued at about 3:15pm for the northwest corner of Greene County.  Then another warning was sent out shortly after 4 o’clock for Dallas, Greene and Guthrie Counties.

That second warning was set to last until 4:45pm but was allowed to expire at 4:35 after the storm weakened.

Raccoon Valley Radio staff reported heavy rain and wind in Perry during the second severe weather warning. Similar observances were made by Scott Frederickson of the Yale Community Club in Yale.

Panora Deputy City Clerk Joyce Calmer witnessed a couple of torrential downpour spurts outside of Panora City Hall during the second severe thunderstorm but did not notice any strong winds.

No hail was seen in Greene, Guthrie or Dallas County during either severe storm.

Raccoon Valley Radio had five people involved in Severe Weather Action Team coverage this afternoon, and the Network will continue to bring area listeners wall-to-wall coverage anytime a severe weather warning is issued in Dallas, Greene or Guthrie County.

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