Perry Superintendent Clark Wicks gives school improvement updates that are in the works at Perry High School at last night’s School Board Meeting.
Superintendent Wicks shared that Perry High School is done with Phase one, which includes new carpet in the school as well as new tile in the bathroom. He explains that Phase two has been submitted to make electrical upgrades and replace all the wood doors in the classroom with bulletproof ones. In addition, Wicks also touched on the attendance at all three levels that continue to rise. He illustrated that Perry Elementary and Middle Schools are in the 90% attendance rate, while the High School is at 80%. Wicks gave insight as to these numbers being much higher than when students first returned after the January 4th shooting.
On the topic of school, Wicks also called for the final day of school to be on May 29th, barring any snow days. He mentioned that the time off after the shooting won’t be made up or any of the snow days the community has received so far. A project that is currently being developed to be approve soon is having “Therapy Dogs” for students, and that’s spearheaded by Sixth Grade Science Teacher Angie Beaudet. The Board President Linda Andorf expressed her gratitude to the community for the outpouring of donations that has rolled in and continues to do so.
As far as the agenda items goes, the Conflict Waiver Agreement for Shared Services with Heartland AEA, Policy 705.4R1 Expenditures for a Public Purpose-Use of Public Funds Regulation, Revisions of Several Board Policies, and the Memorandum of Understanding between Perry Community Schools and Brad Snowgren to serve as the Interim High School Principal in the amount of $11,200.82 were approved. Also, there was extensive conversation around the board in the midst of hiring a candidate to serve as both the Athletic Director and Head Football Coach. The item was ultimately approved, but Board Director Max Christensen opposed the motion to approve wanting to table the discussion. Perry High School Band Director Blaine Schmidt also raised concern about how both positions would be too much for one person. Superiendent Wicks assured that the necessary support would be given to the candidate.