
Tomorrow night the West Central Valley School Board will meet in regular session.

The Board will hear administrative reports, before considering for approval personnel changes including, hiring Jonathan Boss as an at risk teacher for the second semester of the 2023-24 year, Sara Gibson as a custodian effective December 15th, Nathan Craig as a coach for high school boys golf, Will Greenwood as head coach for the high school boys track team and Tricia Foster as the girls high school track coach, and Adjust Jamie Hanscom’s hours as a part-time custodian from 20 to 30 hours,, effective October 10th, 2023.

The Board will also consider for approval open enrollment, the School Improvement Advisory Committee, a field trip request for the high school Spanish class, renewal of the HVAC contract, a resolution to consider approving funds to the flexibility account and the 2023 Board election results. The meeting will begin at 7pm in the High School Board Room.