Hoop Shoot contest winners. Photo courtesy of Travis Landgrebe
The Perry Elks Lodge recently held its local Hoop Shoot contest.
Coordinator Travis Landgrebe tells Raccoon Valley Radio 19 kids from ages 8-13 years old competed this past Saturday at the Perry High School gym. The winners from each age and gender division included Veda Iben for 8-9 year old girls, Edylen Iben for 10-11 girls, the 10-11 boys champion was Drew Adair, Natalie Whiton won the 12-13 girls division, and taking first place for the 12-13 boys was Pierce Menke. There were no entries for 8-9 year old boys. The contest was shooting the best out of 25 free throws.

The winners move onto the district competition that is held later this year. There is a state, regional and the national finals.