
The Guthrie County Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

The Board tabled a discussion on workman’s compensation, as State Street Insurance Owner Becky Benton was slated to appear at the next Board meeting as well, and Board Chair Supervisor Brian Johnson believed it made sense to streamline things, and have her cover both topics on one day.

The Board then approved the 2023 Annual Weed Commissioner’s Report, and to reinstate Tim Masters as the 2024 Weed Commissioner. They then approved a resolution approving a final plat of Smith Acres Minor Subdivision, before hearing from Guthrie County Health Services Director Jotham Arber.

Arber told the Board that for the Emergency Preparedness Coalition that Guthrie County was a part of, the current Emergency Preparedness Coordinator had resigned, and only had so much time left. He said that the current Coordinator works out of Dallas County, but that their salary is supplemented by the coalition. Arber mentioned that Dallas County no longer had interest in housing the Coordinator, and Polk County had said they weren’t interested as well. He told the Board that he would like to nominate Guthrie County’s Emergency Preparedness Commissioner to take on the role of being Coordinator for the coalition, and they agreed that since the coalition would be helping to pay the salary for the position, that it would be a good idea to act upon.