
The City of Perry and the Perry Police Department are continuing to promote their program that will help solve crimes. 

The Perry Police Department is working with businesses and residents in the community to compile a list of privately-owned security systems for their Security Camera Registry Program. Chief Eric Vaughn says that anyone with a video system can voluntarily register for this program and tell them where the system is located and their capabilities of their camera. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio how this program could help them in investigations.

“So if we have an incident that happens close by or to that person that we already know that, hey, we can go there and maybe they’ve caught footage of,  somebody vandalizing a car or burglarizing a home that is coming or going or something like that. So it’s just a good way for us. We kind of look for those things when we’re out and about and doing investigations. But if we can go back and look at that list right away and say, oh, yeah, Mr. Smith has cameras on his house that’s two blocks away from where this car was vandalized. Maybe he’s caught somebody coming or going.”

Vaughn mentions that the goal of this program is to deter crime and promote public safety through collaboration between the police department and the community. The Perry Police Department notes having video surveillance is the best way to apprehend and convict suspects who are caught in the act of committing a crime. To register for this program use the information displayed here. 

 To register your video security system, please complete the registration form found on the City of Perry’s


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