The Perry City Council met on Monday.
The Board approved the retail alcohol license for La Luna Music Venue LCC. Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn brought to the Council’s attention that their liquor license request was in violation of the current policy. Vaughn said that the venue cannot sit 500 feet from a church or school and sell alcohol unless alcohol is not the establishment’s main source of revenue. The Council approved the retail alcohol license with the contingent that alcohol cannot make up more than 50-percent of their gross revenue until they can amend the policy.
They also approved authorizing the sale of outdated vehicles and November 6th as the date of meeting at which it is proposed to approve a development agreement with Percival Scientific Incorporated including annual appropriation tax Increment payments. The Council then approved Public Services Librarian Position job description and pay range of $25 per hour, Assistant Parks Director position with a job description and pay range of $60 to 65,000 per year and an Assistant Recreation Director position with a pay range of $67,000 annually.