The West Central Valley School Board will meet in regular session tomorrow night.
The Board will consider for approval the resignations of Richard Morris as a route driver, and John Otto and Jeffery Ludwick as custodians, and hiring Amber Clemens as the middle school boys basketball coach and Lindy Peterson as the high school girls golf coach, both starting in the 2023-24 season, James Sayles as a route driver, Jeannie Pieper as a part time custodian and Kate Courtney as ELL Support, and transfer Chris Damstrom from route driver to custodian. They will then discuss open enrollment requests, a delegate for the 78th Annual Iowa Association of School Boards Convention, and certified enrollment numbers for 2023-24.
The Board will also consider for approval snow removal bids, an HVAC renewal presentation, and a Board Policy for discipline of students who make threats of violence or cause incidents of violence. They will consider for approval a resolution to transfer funds from the general account to the flexibility account within the general account, and then enter a closed session to discuss the recommended expulsion of a student per Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(e), then re-enter open session to take action regarding recommended student discipline.
The meeting will begin at 7pm in the West Central Valley District Board Room at the high school.