
The Adair – Casey and Guthrie Center School Boards will meet in regular session tomorrow night due to Homecoming activities this week.

The GC Board will consider for approval the resignation of Kalyn Rochholz, and a contract recommendation for Briana Sudbrock as a preschool one to one associate, while the AC Board will consider for approval contract recommendations for Jacob Joliet as junior high football coach, Lori Carney as kitchen staff, and Theresea Elgin who will work in transportation. Both Boards will then discuss a daycare/preschool update, standards-based learning, and an AC/GC Activities Handbook, along with upcoming dates, which include Homecoming activities, an early out on October 11th for professional development and the next regular school board meeting, which will be on October 18th.

Both Boards will then consider for approval a School Budget Review Committee modified allowable growth request for both districts, along with AC/GC mission, vision and values. The AC Board will then consider for approval the second reading of a school board policy update and Metro West Learning Center contract, while the GC Board considers the second reading of the school board policy update, and 2023-24 teacher lane advancements.

The meeting will begin at 7pm in the AC/GC High School Media Center.