
Both the boys and girls XC teams for Perry were back in action last night as they participated in the ADM Invitational. The Perry girls came in 5th place overall with 160 points total throughout the meet. Lily Myers was the leading racer for the Jayettes as she finished in 8th place overall with a time of 21:09. Taryn Nehring was the next gal to cross the finish line. She put up a time of 23:42.8

On the boys side of things, the Perry boys came in 7th place overall in the meet. Yonas Andemichael led the way for the Bluejays as he finished in 12th place overall with a time of 18:03:5. Thad Stewart was the next Bluejay to cross the finish line as he finished the 5k in a time of 19:32:4. Maebel Teckle after that finished in 20:18:9 for Perry as well.

It was a solid outing for both the boys and girls in the ADM Invitational. Next up they will head to ACGC High School for the Charger invite on Thursday afternoon. I will provide updates after that race as well right here on KDLS and