
If motorists haven’t traveled into the city of Jefferson from the east recently, there is a new feature to be the official “welcoming mat.”

A new welcome sign is on the south side of East Lincoln Way near the Jefferson Municipal Cemetery. The City Council previously approved the project, which had a delay with the actual signage of the main logo. City Administrator Scott Peterson talks about his impression of the new sign.

“It’s been here and it’s been installed, (and it) looks fantastic. The project is very close to nearing completion. We’re still working on some lighting parts of that. So we will be addressing the lighting and get that all finished up here pretty quick, and be done with that phase of the project.”   

Peterson points out one of the final phases is a resurfacing project on East Lincoln Way from the Milwaukee Depot to the cemetery. He notes that the engineering firm Bolton and Menk are in the design process and will present proposals at an upcoming city council meeting.

“This would be really the finish to the east side of Lincoln Way. Get that done, you know the west side (of Lincoln Way) was at least repaved here this past year and (I) feel really good about the status of one of our main thoroughfares through town.  

The City Council approved $141,400 for the engineering agreement this past July and the original estimated cost to resurface East Lincoln Way was $740,000 with no finalized costs or decisions on funding have been made.