The Dallas County Hospital’s Senior Life Solutions program highlights suicide prevent week.
National Suicide Prevention Week is an annual week long campaign, this year from September 10-16th, to bring awareness to the warning signs of suicide. Dallas County Senior Life Solutions Program Director Kristy Martin says that they are an intensive outpatient group counseling program that is designed to meet the needs of adults over the age of 65-years-old struggling with depression and anxiety. Martin explains that suicide has become more common, and often warning signs are over looked.
“Things like difficulty sleeping and appetite changes, feeling worthless, feelings of guilt. And some of that is associated with, you know, the natural aging process. But that’s not necessarily true. So that’s what we’re here for.”
Martin says that their program might be right for any older adult that is struggling with a loss of a loved one or suffering from a traumatic event. She says they have different types of therapy sessions that they offer and will fit the needs of any patient dealing with depression or anxiety. She adds that people can refer their loved ones to their program. For more information about Senior Life Solutions, call 515-465-7580 or click here to visit.