
The Jefferson City Council approved a new program to better align possible priorities for the city.

The Council approved at their most recent meeting a consultant, Pat Callahan, for a strategic planning and goal setting work session with all city department heads and city-elected officials, including city council members and the mayor. City Administrator Scott Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio why he wanted this to go before the city council for approval.

“It is great for the city council, for the city operations as a whole to really just take a good, comprehensive look at your priorities are. For me personally, it helps me a lot out then too, so that as your new administrator that the council has identified their priorities and you know that you’re working on those things that are truly priorities to the elected officials.” 

Peterson points out the work session would start after this November election where there may be a new mayor and city council members. He adds some of the planning would be underway before then due to the city going through the budgetary process. The amount the proposal that the Council approved was about $1,300, which is going to be a general fund expense.