The Perry City Council met in regular session on Monday.
The Council approved the change order number one for the Runway 14/32 phase two for the amount of $98,650, This application will provide for additional drain tile to reconnect the existing system, removal of a box culvert under 150th Street and deliver traffic control for the closing of 150th Street. They approved pay application number one for the Runway 14/32 Relocation phase two for the amount of $336,500 to Manatt’s Inc., pay application number 10 for the price of $358,140 and the resolution authorizing a purchase agreement for the property owned by Carl Stukenholtz in the vicinity of the Perry Municipal Airport for the relocation of 150th Street. Then they approved the 28E agreement with Dallas County for the 150th Street relocation project.
They approved pay application eight for the 2020 downtown street and utility improvements project, and pay application 26 for the wastewater treatment facility improvements. The Council approved the resolution approving the statement of completion and final acceptance for the 1st Street CIPP Lining project, contracts on the demolition of the property on 1726 2nd Street, and an amended development agreement and amended purchase agreement for sale of city owned property to Semper Fi Commercial Solutions, LLC. Due to unforeseen circumstances the project never got started, and the development agreement was amended to have the aggregate total amount of payments under the Agreement shall not exceed $185,000 in incremental property tax payments and $24,000 in an economic. They approved resolutions approving an amendment to the 28E agreement with Xenia Rural Water District, a professional services agreement with ACCUJET LLC for the 2023 CIPP sanitary sewer project, new installation of street lights on Marengo Drive and a local match application submission for a REAP Grant.
The Council adopted the ordinances amending ordinances chapter 63 pertaining to speed regulations and 65 pertaining to stop or yield required.