David Wright, the 1991 Jefferson-Scranton High School graduate, moved his family to Greene County just over one year ago when he began his tenure as Activities Director in the Greene County Community School District. The A.D. talked with Raccoon Valley Radio about the first year he and his family have experienced in the county he grew up in. “It’s been great! Kristin teaches out at the middle school and she’s enjoyed her time. She’s going to be teaching sixth grade science this year, which is a new class for her here, and she’s excited about that because science is what she really loves.”

The A.D. continued, “We’ve enjoyed our time here and the community’s been great! People have been very welcoming and friendly, and I’ve met people I didn’t know and got reacquainted with people I’ve known for a while!”

Official Fall sports practices for high schools throughout Iowa begin on Monday, August 7.