
At the softball banquet there were a few honorable mentions as Panorama athletes were able to make the WCAC all-conference team. Honorable mentions were Lindy Nelson and Tyme Boettcher. Jazmyn Sellers was also names as 1st team infield. for WCAC all conference.
Seniors Caitlyn Sloss and Jazmyn Sellers had this to say for aspiring athletes, ” Think about connections you both have with the game of softball, Park & Rec, Fall/spring team, and all the lessons you can take with you as you face your next adventure.” Caitlyn will be attending at Southwestern Community College in the coming fall, and Jazmyn at University of Northern Iowa.
All District & All State mentions will come in the later weeks.  State softball begins Monday, July 23.  Conference School Van Meter and Interstate 35 will play Tuesday, July 24. Martensdale St. Mary’s  will also play on Tuesday.