
Caden Duncan is not only Greene County High School’s head football coach, he’s strength & conditioning coordinator for males and females on all grade levels. The coach talked with Raccoon Valley Radio about what he calls the Slo-Cooker method of strength and conditioning.

“Our philosophy of the strength and conditioning program is to help create the best possible athlete that each person can be. We try to boost strength, speed, injury prevention, along with flexibility. We take the approach of what we call the Slo-Cooker approach as apposed to the microwave approach. We’re trying to just slowly through consistency, trying to build the fastest, strongest, most injury resistant athlete that we can, and try to lay a really good foundation for them.”

This is family week where no athletes can have contact with their school coaches and they cannot use school facilities. The purpose is for families to spend time together prior to camps and practices begin for the 2023-24 school  year.