
We are getting into the heart of the summer season and for those who enjoy fall vegetables, now is a good time to plant those.

Jean Walker with the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County says vine crops such as cucumbers, squash, watermelon, pumpkins and cantaloupe can be planted now. 

“My grandpa taught me that you wait til after the 21st of June to plant your vine crops and you’ll still get a good crop. Because it’s warmer and they just grow different, faster.” 

Walker adds that by waiting this long to plant those, there is less chance for pests and disease. She points out this can be done either through planting seeds or a starter plant. Once vine crops are planted, Walker says they don’t require a lot of watering, no more than twice a week. 

“Usually when you plant this late, it’s kind of like sweet corn. If you plant corn, I don’t normally water like our corn that’s planted in the garden because you want the roots to go down to find the moisture. So you don’t have to water as much and same thing with the vine crop.”  

Walker notes that the later you wait to plant vine crops, the later in the fall you will get to harvest them.