
Guthrie County Sheriff Marty Arganbright on some of the features of the new jail

Recently the new Law Enforcement Center held its ribbon cutting ceremony and open house.

Guthrie County Sheriff Marty Arganbright was one of several speakers for the event, but received the first standing ovation for the event. Arganbright mentioned that when the county first voted on the referendum for the new jail and law enforcement center, he had been in talks with a few sheriffs who had either just completed the construction of their own new jails, or were close to completing construction. He said that the thing that the majority of those sheriffs had in common was that they would not be running for election again at the end of their terms once the jails were finished. This was something that Arganbright said he didn’t plan on doing.

“I would like to have another term. I’m planning on running another term to be able to enjoy this new facility. We’ve needed it for a long time. I have a great staff. I enjoy being the sheriff of Guthrie County. So it’s a good job, and I just want to do that again. It’s good to help people out.

Arganbright has been the sheriff for the residents of Guthrie County since he started his first term in 2009.