
Law Enforcement will be patrolling the roads in greater numbers looking for motorists driving under the influence during the Fourth of July holiday. 

Iowa State Patrol Sergeant Alex Dinkla says that the state of Iowa has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to driving impaired on the roadways. Dinkla says that their statistics show in the last five years during the Fourth of July holiday they’ve seen 25 people die in fatal accidents and 13 of those involved alcohol. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that they have enacted their “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” campaign until July 5th to increase law enforcement presence to prevent tragedies. 

So many law enforcement agencies will be increasing patrols over the weekend to make sure that we drive down that number and ultimately make our highways and our roadways safe as people choose to travel for many different reasons all over Iowa.”

Dinkla mentions to everyone driving their motor vehicle to wear their seatbelt because its critical to saving lives during a crash.