Thursday, May 18th
5:48am: Tanisha Rice of Jefferson reported a trespasser in the 100 block of North Olive Street. While on the property the trespasser caused damage to the front door. The trespasser had left the property when the Officer arrived. As a result of the investigation Warrants were requested for Jason Sheldahl of Scranton for “Criminal Mischief in the 4th Degree” / “Trespassing – causing damage greater than $300”
7:59am: Peter McCullough of Jefferson reported a broken vehicle window in the 500 block of West State Street. The damage was believed to have been caused overnight. The Officer is investigating.
10:32am: An Officer was requested for a funeral escort. The Officer completed the escort.
10:50am:Kirk Citurs of Scranton requested a welfare check on a family member in Jefferson. The Officer preformed the check and found no assistance was needed.
1:06pm: The Property Manager for the Walton Woods Apartments requested extra patrol in the 1000 block of West Adams Street during the overnight hours. Officers were notified of the request.
2:59pm: Teresa Fox of Ralston Spoke to an Officer in reference to a boat purchased in Jefferson. The questions were civil and she was advised to speak with an attorney.
5:48pm: Nikedda Powell – Conklin of Scranton reported a vehicle driving near Kelso Park with a child not properly restrained. The Officer checked the area and did not locate the vehicle.
7:03pm: Craig Johnson of Jefferson reported suspicious activity in the 200 block of North Oak Street. The Officer investigated and found nothing illegal occurring.
11:25pm: Aubrie Lawrence of Jefferson reported a stray dog running loose near the intersection of State Street and Elm Street. As a result of the investigation, Bryant Margetta of Jefferson was issued citations for “Animals Running at Large” /“Violation of Annual Animal License Requirement”
As a result of an investigation started on May 14th, 2023, an Officer requested an Arrest Warrant for “Burglary in the 3rd Degree – Motor Vehicle” for Alexis Hannah Free of Bayard, Iowa
Friday, May 19th
2:37am: An officer responded to a Residential Alarm Activation in the 300 Block of South Oak Street. The officer found the property to be secure.
8:36am: The Rec Center reported a broken second story window at 204 West Harrison Street. They had reviewed camera footage and located the event on video. The damage was estimated at $2068.97. The officer sent charges to the Juvenile Court for a 9-year-old male juvenile for, “Criminal Mischief 2nd Degree- D Felony.”
10:24am: An officer investigated a Rear End Accident on 220th, near Mulberry Street. A 2021 Chevrolet K1500, owned and operated by Lynn Odendahl of Manning, was westbound on 220th Street. A vehicle ahead of him signaled to turn south on Mulberry Street. Odendahl slowed his vehicle behind the turning vehicle and was struck from behind. The 2013 Ford Fusion was owned by Cassie Fowler and operated by Kayleigh Fowler of Jefferson. The Odendahl vehicle was a total loss and had to be towed from the scene. The Fowler vehicle had a reported $5000.00 in damages. Fowler was transported by GC Ambulance for minor injuries. Fowler was cited for, “Fail to Stop in Clear Assured Safe Distance Ahead and Fail to Wear Safety Belt.”
11:05am: Susan Lansman reported her mother was contacted by phone about winning a new truck. The caller wanted $10,000.00 to deliver the new truck. Susan ended the call. No loss was incurred.
11:24am: Dispatch advised of an Abandoned 911 Call from 1207 North Maple Street. The officer could not find anyone needing assistance in the area.
5:41pm: Mary Norgart reported a Stray Dog in the 300 Block of North Cedar Street. The officer did not locate the animal.
5:45pm: A caller advised of an elderly male in the 1200 Block of Southfield Drive, who was attempting to write out personal checks to send to a subject in New York. He advised the money was for taxes and deliveries on prizes he had won. The checks were not sent and no loss was incurred.
6:37pm: Brian Markus reported a Careless Driver near 220th and J Ave. The officers did not locate the reported vehicle in Jefferson.
11:42pm: A caller advised of a female outside yelling in the 200 Block of North Oak Street. Officers spoke to the subject and mediated the issue for the evening.
Saturday, May 20th
1:22am: An officer arrested Jennie Shuttler, 42 of Jeferson at 509 South Olive Street. Schuttler had outstanding Arrest Warrants for, “Fail to Appear on Possession of Marijuana.”
9:09am: An officer assisted a motorist with car issues at 606 Hwy. 30 East.
9:51am: A subject flagged down an officer with a Parking Complaint in the 300 Block of East Monroe Street. The complaint was about neighbors parking on the street, directly across from their driveway. Jefferson does not have a city ordinance stopping this from occurring.
9:57am: A Perry Officer requested assistance from an officer in identifying a female involved in a Theft of Alcohol from Hy-Vee in Perry. The officer identified the female in the photo’s as a Jefferson resident. Perry will request Arrest Warrants.
10:04am: Amy Blum requested an officer to advise two females to end all contact with her. The officer is working to speak to them and convey the wishes.
12:11pm: An officer was called to 300 East State Street for an argument between a mother and juvenile daughter. The officer helped to mediate a solution.
1:09pm: Loretta Cook reported her adult daughter assaulted her before leaving 206 North Elm Street. The officers located the daughter a short distance away. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Mary D. Cook, 27 of Jefferson for, “Assault – Simple.”
6:46pm: Tony Sparks reported his juvenile son had been caught at home with vaping products. Sparks turned over the items to the officer. The officer issued the 15 year old a citation for, “Person Under 21 Using Vape Products.”
7:53pm: An officer was requested on the square to assist a family with a juvenile female, possibly attempting to run away. The officer assisted the family in mediating the issue.
8:46pm: An officer checked the 800 Block of North Maple Street after dispatch advised of a 911 call from the area. The officer did not locate anyone needing assistance in the area.
9:03pm: An officer removed a bat from the residence at 202 South Maple Street.
Sunday, May 21st
12:03am: An officer located a small group in Daubendiek Park. He advised them the park was closed and they left the area.
12:48am: An officer secured a building left open at 501 West Greenwood Road.
1:06am: An officer located an Open Door at 207 West State Street. A keyholder was advised.
7:27am: Hy-Vee reported a male on the sidewalk, harassing and yelling at customers. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Richard Charles Burkhardt, 54 of Jefferson for, “Disorderly Conduct – Simple.”
3:17pm: Eric Durbin reported a suspicious male going door to door in the 300 Block of East Park, asking for money for gas. The officer located the subject and wife and children. He was advised to stop going to doors and left the area.
4:13pm: A caller advised of a small dog running loose on Edgewood Ave. The officer arrived and found the owner attempting to capture the dog. The officer was able to assist and the dog was caught.
10:14pm: DHS requested a Welfare Check on a family in the 800 Block of North Maple Street. The officer contacted the subjects, who were fine.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.